By Chappy Jack
October 9, 2019
Psalm 136: 1-3 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of Lord’s. His love endures forever.”
I have been safely home for about two weeks now. I’ve mostly relaxed and fulfilled a promise to myself that I would do the CPT (Couch Potato Trail), which has led to a lot of time reflecting back on my AT thru hike.
I know that I would not have completed the trail if it had not been for so many people that supported my efforts through help, encouragement, and especially prayer. I also know that God answered those prayers!
I am thankful for literally hundreds of you that faithfully prayed for me and the Chaplaincy. Most of you, I have not personally met, but one day hope to. Many reported that their church, Sunday School class, or prayer group also prayed for me.
I’m thankful that my wife Marty, went from calling me “crazy’ for wanting to do the trail to being my biggest supporter! Thanks to all of my family and friends for your support and encouragement.
Thanks to the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church for trusting me to carry out the mission of this unique ministry and thanks to the Chaplaincy Board members that gave me total support.
Thank You to all the friends of the Chaplaincy that fed me, let me stay in their homes, gave me transportation, took me to the ER, and even washed my clothes or allowed me to wash my clothes.
Thank you to all the Trail Angels along the way. Not many of you will be reading this, but my thanks to you will be to return trail magic in the years to come.
By the way, I hear that Board Members have conducted interviews for the 2020 AT Chaplain. I can’t wait to hear who they have chosen!!
Thank you all!!!!