By Chappy Jack
May 30, 2019
Mile: 849.4
Location: Waynesboro, Virginia
John 13:35 “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another”.
With a bit of sadness, I have walked through the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church. Sad, because I have seen familiar faces and met many wonderful people! All have been extremely supportive of this unique ministry, and I have really “felt the love”!
Jesus, in speaking to his disciples before the Passover Feast, declared that all people would know them as his disciples by their love for one another. He then gave them (and us as his followers and disciples) a new commandment to “…Love one another as I have loved you,…”.
What a tough thing to do! Jesus loved us so much that he gave his life up for us! It sounds like an impossible command! However, I have experienced being the recipient of that kind of love from the great people of the Holston conference.
Lord Jesus, Thank you for loving me so much that you gave your life for me! Thank you that you use people like the people of the Holston Conference to demonstrate your love. Thank you that I’m “feeling the love”.

Jack with Pastor Rick Lindamood, center, and wife Carol. Rick is the pastor of West End United Methodist Church. Rick’s Grandfather attended Lindamood School. West End UMC provides Trail Magic (soft drinks, gator aide, snacks, and hiker toiletries) at the school. I was fortunate enough to run into them while they were resupplying the trail magic boxes. Their son Josh was the Holston Conference’s first Appalachian Trail Chaplain.

There have been many others in the Holston Conference that have helped along the way! Did I mention that I’m “feeling the love!”