Hello faithful blog readers…after a 5 day repose from hiking, I have traveled safely back to Harpers Ferry, WV to begin the southbound part of my hike, the “flop.”
My backpack, which contains not only the things that make me comfortable like my toothbrush, but also the things I need to stay alive in the woods, has not made it with me. It is lost somewhere in the world of airline abyss and is nowhere to be found. Without it, I can’t really get back to hiking…
Would you join me in praying for the safe and speedy return of my pack? Specifically, that the box it is in doesn’t split open and spill my belongings all over a conveyor belt when it is found. If the Lord can part the Red Sea, I trust that He is more than capable of rescuing my backpack from baggage claim.
On a more positive note, enjoy some miscellaneous pictures from my off-trail vacation. I have eaten everything I can get my hands on and my body is thankful for both the rest and the sufficient nutrition.Day trip to Acadia National Park on the Maine seacoast–that ocean water was cold!
Playing with my brother and my graduation present-my how much faster this is than hiking!
Going back to Nashville to visit my Vanderbilt friends and eat at my favorite Mexican restaurant 3 times in 30 hours. Before my tarp, this was my last residence!
Hiker-sized breakfast with my cousin and grandparents. This was the last time I laid eyes on my pack.
Playing with my dog who I’ve missed dearly. She will hopefully be walking the last mile of the trail with me.
Not pictured: getting new shoes and visiting Wildcat, going to the dentist, crashing a high school soccer game.
I’ve at least found a dry place to sleep tonight, things are looking up!