Day #91-Magical rain rescue; Miles hiked: 19.1

There aren’t too many pictures from today because well…it’s still raining.

I don’t mean to complain, but I’ve seen one sunny day since Harpers Ferry and it looks like another week of rain is on the way. Wet and wild!

Anyway, after a lovely trip to Charlottesville it was off to hike alongside the Blue Ridge Parkway.

I got to meet a maintenance crew at the shelter I ate lunch at and couldn’t thank them enough for clearing Flo’s blow downs. I am looking forward to joining the Tennessee Eastman trail club while I’m at ETSU for med school. Nothing better than a little manual labor to break up the studying, right?

Before the rain really got going, I found this little guy-say hello to Buster the box turtle!He’s a little camera shy.

As the rain starting coming down hard and the fog got denser, my spirits started sinking. When I finally got to the road where I was planning to hitch to Devil’s Backbone brewery to meet my friends, I was worried I wouldn’t even get a ride in the dark, cold fog.

The Lord had other plans. The first and only car that came by in my direction pulled over and not only gave me a ride down the mountain, but took me to their nearby vacation house!This is Kim, my rescuer. She treated me to leftover spaghetti, a salt bath for my destroyed feet, and a warm/dry place to sleep. I’m going to have to call this magical evening the best trail magic yet!