Day #7-Farmland marathon; Miles hiked: 26.3

I ran my first full marathon a little less than two months ago, and I’m here to report that walking one across Pennsylvania has many similar elements. Due to camping restrictions across PA’s farmland, we had to go big or go home today.

The morning started with the leftover raindrops from a night of rain. Here is what destitute hikers only 5 miles into a 26 mile day look like when it’s raining:Up next was a rock maze with some foreshadowing of what’s to come in New England. Thankfully the sun came out eventually and we entered Pennsylvania’s beautiful farmland and passed a pond with a species I haven’t seen on the AT before-geese!By the end of the day I was pretty fatigued, but snagged a view of the valley I walked across. We came from beyond the mountains in the distance this morning!