Day #116-Warmth is worth the wait; Miles hiked: 16.5

When BamBam’s package with his winter clothes didn’t arrive like it was supposed to yesterday, we decided it would be best to wait around Boots Off until it finally made it. After all, it’s getting cold!

It didn’t make it on the mail truck, but we hitched to the post office since they wouldn’t pick up the phone and got it ourselves. Problem solved!

The only issue was still having miles to go before we sleep…and it being almost 2 pm. Nonetheless, up the mountain we went!Not long after passing this water fall, we had a run in with a mama bear and her cubs. We somehow ended up between the two-oops. Thankfully, we quickly came to an understanding with her that neither party wanted to do harm. Both bear and hikers gave one another plenty of space while she retrieved her cubs and we started hiking again. She sure was beautiful! We had to hike well into the dark and the cold, but got a wonderful sunset on the way!More tomorrow as I trek through Tennessee.