Day #56-Worst weather in the world lives up to expectations; Miles hiked:10.3

It took everything in my being to get out the door of Lakes this morning with the wind and rain blowing across the ridge. After a short climb, I came face to face with the famous “worst weather in the world” on Mt. Washington. Today was a relatively calm day and the wind was gusting at 54 mph and the windchill had to be in the 30s. Don’t worry, I ducked into the visitors center and put on some rain pants immediately after this picture.The weather didn’t improve much as we marched down the ridge bracing ourselves against the wind and trying to move fast enough to stay warm. However, we did get a few peaks of clearness as we got close to Madison Hut.We tried to get a work for stay to get out of the weather, but the crew had no mercy. On we went further down the ridge. However, 15 minutes into our hike the weather actually cleared and we got a great sunset! Town day tomorrow!