Day #20-An electrifying 4th of July; Miles hiked: 14.9

Today, like many days on the trail, had a rough start with a happy ending. For starters, the mosquitoes at our campsite last night were the worst I’ve ever experienced…I ended up sleeping in rain pants/jacket, a hat, and socks during a heat wave and they still bit the only exposed skin I had-between my fingers! Thank you to the Trail Blazers who sponsored the bug net heading my way soon.

After we got moving, we did pass a beautiful bog/pond with thousands of lily pads.As the day marched on, we were surrounded several times by some pretty electrifying thunderstorms with lightning way too close for comfort. For those of you who don’t know, lightning is my biggest fear on the AT. Humming How Great Thou Art for sure…However, after the storms I got to be rescued once again and spent a lovely evening at my friends lake house. Reminds me of all of my summers at home. Starting tomorrow, I am officially a fully solo hiker. I will miss the comfort of being around people I already know, but I’m looking forward to having more freedom to bounce between groups of hikers. Please pray for the Lord to bring those He wants me to minister to into my path (and keep me from breaking myself on these slippery rocks!).