Day #109-Good thing I remember how to hike in the rain; Miles hiked: 19.3

I woke up this morning to both the sound of alpacas bleating and roosters crowing. There was one more all too familiar sound: rain drops on my tent. I suppose the string of dry days couldn’t last forever. Off into the wet and wild world I wandered!

Not much to report other than wet feet and chaffing and being cold. However, I did finally manage to catch up to the boys.

After a few more soggy miles, we got rescued once again by Valerie, Tony, and Mariette of the Pine Grove congregation. They whisked us away to a taco dinner, showers, laundry, and warm beds.

We really couldn’t ask for more and are constantly humbled by the kindness of these people. For the non-believing friends that I’m hiking with, this is the best witness the ministry could offer.

Trail angels, keep up the good work!